HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 12 (2022)

Teacher’s Perceptions, Effectiveness, Administrative Issues, and School Challenges During the COVID-19 Epidemic: An Educational Sustainability

Emmia Dacoco | Carolina Tajos | Leny Enguio | Jimboy Francisco | Jeffry Saro

Discipline: Education



Global educational systems have been impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic, particularly in developing nations. In order to keep their national educational institutions operating and viable, governments and educational authorities have implemented backup plans. With the use of innovation, these steps allowed numerous teachers to continue working with their students wherever they were in the world. This study was conducted to investigate and determine the teachers’ perceptions, effectiveness, administrative issues, and school challenges during the COVID19 pandemic. Herein, the study was based on a quantitative research design, and the participants in the study were the 50 teachers at the chosen schools, 25 of whom taught in public schools and another 25 of whom taught in private schools. It was purposefully chosen based on the criteria utilized by the researchers. The data was examined using the standard deviation and mean as statistical tools. The values of the range of means were given descriptive interpretations that were applied in the analysis of the data gathered. The findings of the present study have multiple implications for school challenges and teachers’ perceptions amidst the pandemic. Based on the findings, the overall weighted mean of the teachers’ perception and the effectiveness of the teaching and learning approaches is higher at 4.31, and the standard deviation is equivalent to 0.85, which means that based on the responses of the respondents, they strongly agree on the indicators that have been stated based on the main concern of the study. In this way, the perceptions of the teachers on the implementation of distance learning are quite high and good due to the resources they have taken.


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