HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 3 (2022)

Project Nine Ways of Alamada High School: Improving Stakeholders’ Relationship Through Changing Perception in Modular Learning

Pebe Dulos | Bai Donna Pagrangan | Jenelyn Octaviano

Discipline: Education



Alamada High School has underwent the Project 9 ways guided communication, which was a new strategy of teachers and school administrators to converse with their stakeholders. In this study, the teacher- researchers implored this project nine ways to inner school stakeholders (students and parents) to improve their relationship with school specially in handling modular learning in this time of pandemic. This is very essential, beneficial and practical, for, this serves as a guide for a better school governance that help encourage the stakeholders in making the school conducive to teaching and learning. With this, students can acquire life- long skills and become an independent and globally competitive individual in the future. Through this research study, it was proven that the Project 9 ways as intervention can enhance the relationship of the school’s stakeholders as evidenced by changing their perception from negative to positive. Inner stakeholders become more participative in sharing their common understanding and involvement in the decision making process of the school. They also share their resources and engage the members of their families in different school activities, especially in handling modular learning. All of these are evident after collecting and analyzing the data in this study and by using the numerical rating scale teacher- made instrument.


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