HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 3 (2022)

Skills, Challenges, and Academic Performance of 21st-Century Learners of Solo Parents

Jose Gay Gallego

Discipline: Education



The paper examined the socio-demographic profile of respondents and the extent of the 21st century skills of the respondents. It further investigated the challenges encountered by the respondents. The academic performance of the respondents is statistically measured through the general weighted average. Significant differences in the respondents’ skills and socio- demographic profile, and the relationship to academic performance were also inquired. The paper aimed to emphasize the interventions to cater learners’ needs. The respondents were the one hundred ten students from Augurio Mara?on Abeto National High School (AMANHS) and Binalbagan National High School (BNHS) who were raised by a solo parent. The study purely used descriptive survey with a self-made questionnaire. It has been found out that majority of the respondents were female, aged twelve to fifteen years old, family earned income of three thousand one to six thousand monthly, the solo parents were undergraduate college level, and majority were in Grade 10. The respondents were moderately skilled in critical thinking and communication skills, and highly skilled in collaboration and self-direction skills. Despite the challenges encountered by the respondents, they were proficient in their academic performance. There is no significant difference between the 21st century skills of the respondents and school, and none as to sex, grade level, educational attainment and age. On the academic performance and sex, there is a significant difference found, while none in grade level, educational attainment, family monthly income, and age. There is a significant relationship between 21st century skills and academic performance.


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