HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 8 (2023)

Mathematics Self-Concept and Learning Factors in Relation to Academic Performance

Olsen Alojado | Paul Melcar Paglomutan | Lexie Perez | Zyrah Desusa | Mary Jane Jampolina | Rechelle Enguillo | Mary Christine Joy Siplao

Discipline: Education



This study sought to determine the relationship between the level of mathematics self-concept, learning factors and academic performance in blended learning modality. In this study, a mixed method using an embedded design was employed to collect both quantitative and qualitative data, with the latter being used to supplement the former. The results of the study revealed that the level of mathematics self-concept of the participants was moderate, the level of the learning factors in blended learning was moderate, and the academic performance in general mathematics was outstanding. However, when results were analyzed per item, findings revealed that during the blended learning, students had trouble understanding and remembering what they learned in mathematics. This was corroborated by the key informants’ responses during the interview. Additionally, the findings showed that in blended learning, connectivity and personal space were crucial considerations to make when the participants were studying away from noise and distractions as likewise confirmed by the key informants in their responses. Results also revealed that no significant difference exists in mathematics self-concept and learning factors when the participants were grouped by sex, strand, and school of origin. In terms of academic performance, findings revealed that no significant difference exists when the participants were grouped according to school of origin but a significant difference exists when they were grouped according to sex and strand. Additionally, it was found out that no significant relationship exists between mathematics self-concept, learning factors, and academic performance. The researchers concluded that there is a need to conduct diagnostic test in mathematics to specifically determine the strength and weaknesses of the participants as gleaned from the contradicting quantitative and qualitative findings of the study. Thus, this study suggests that teachers regularly carry out formative assessments and closely monitor students' learning and performance through in-person and online discussions.


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