HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 8 (2023)

Working Students’ Grammatical and Lexical Errors in Oral and Written Communication

Jennifer Oestar

Discipline: Education



The study sought to assess Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English working students’ oral and written communication competence. The descriptive-correlation method was employed in this study. The study involved 14 working students from College of Sciences Technology and Communications’ Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English. For the quantitative part, relevant data for this research were gathered through the researchers’ self-made 50-item oral communication competence and 50-item written communication competence test with a table of specifications (TOS). For the other data gathering instrument, the researcher used error analysis to determine the oral and written communication challenges of the BSEd major in English working students in terms of their submitted oral and written output. Results showed that student have varied part-time jobs to support their family and studies financially. Majority of the students are in the thorough level in written and acceptable level oral communication competence. In the content analysis of the oral and written communication of the respondents, there were 28 recorded grammatical errors and eight lexical errors in students’ output. A flexible learning module was developed in response to the findings of the study.


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