HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 10 (2022)

Operationalization of Summative Assessment in MAPEH in the New Normal: Its Challenges, Innovations and Interventions

Angeline Subang

Discipline: Education



This mixed-method research was conducted to determine the levels of challenges, innovations and interventions in the operationalization of summative assessment in Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health (MAPEH) of public MAPEH secondary school teachers in the Division of Iloilo for the school year 2021-2022. This study also determined whether significant relationship existed among challenges, innovations and interventions. The participants of this study were the 290 randomly selected public secondary school MAPEH teachers determined using the Slovin’s formula. The data- gathering instruments were the researcher-made Challenges, Innovations and Interventions Questionnaires. Focus-Group Discussion was conducted to gather qualitative data for triangulation with the quantitative data gathered. Mean, frequency, percentage, rank and Standard Deviation were used for descriptive data analysis, while ANOVA and Pearson r were used for inferential data analysis at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that the level of top 10 challenges in the operationalization of summative assessment in MAPEH is “high”. Also, the level of the top 10 innovations in the operationalization of summative assessment in MAPEH is “high”. Generally, the level of top 10 interventions in the operationalization of summative assessment in MAPEH is “high” except for the top 4 interventions, “helped students with setting priorities in terms of answering summative assessment, written works and performance tasks”, “provided rubrics and performance standards to assist the learner in doing the summative assessment both written works and performance tasks”, “established clear, consistent rule which are direct and simple in the written works and performance tasks to allow learners perform the task with ease”, and “encouraged self- expression in different assessment task’s” which level is “very high”. It was also revealed that the interventions among the levels of challenges encountered by the MAPEH teachers in the operationalization of summative assessment varies significantly and there were varied interventions employed to address the challenges. Also, the interventions among the levels of innovations developed by the MAPEH teachers in the operationalization of summative assessment significantly differed. Interventions vary since there are many available innovations. It was also revealed in the study that significantly positive relationships existed among the level of challenges, innovations as independent variables and interventions as dependent variable in the operationalization of the summative assessments.


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