HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 10 (2022)

Suspicious Object Detection with Alarm Notification for Security Personnel

Benjamin Cornelio Jr

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to develop a “suspicious object detection with alarm notification for security personnel”. The main objective of this study was to track or detect suspicious objects, analyze whether it was abandoned, and send a notification to the security personnel. A prototype methodology was used in the development of the system which employed an image processing methodology to analyze the video captured by the cameras. The image processing applied the background extraction, foreground detection, thresholding algorithm, noise reduction algorithm, tracking and detecting algorithm. The system was evaluated by 10 security personnel and 10 I.T. experts using the ISO 25010 criteria in terms of functional suitability, reliability, performance, efficiency, operability, security, compatibility, maintainability, and portability. The overall result of the evaluation was excellent which implied that the system met the standard criteria in system development.


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