HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 9 (2023)

On the Phenomenon of Burnout: the Lived Experiences of Teachers During the Current Global Pandemic

Marnel Bullo | Isidore Almiñe | Elreen Aguilar-Delavin

Discipline: Education



The year 2020 is afflicted with enormous issues that challenged the present global and national socio-political, economic, and educational landscapes. In the time of COVID- 19 pandemic, the worldwide education system is in the process of shifting and responding to new and challenging scenarios which test the conventional learning process of classroom human interaction and capitalize in modular, online, and radio-based learning. This research seeks to elucidate how the lived experiences of public- school teachers responded to the problem of modular distant learning in the time of COVID-19 outbreak. Purposive sampling was performed in identifying twenty (20) teacherparticipants and phenomenological technique was applied in this paper. The results implied that burnout is significant in the current setting and relates to the teachers’ experience during modular distance learning. It is recommended to strengthen the mental health program of DepEd for Teachers; school leaders, teachers and parents should develop strategic plan and framework; teachers must have the tangible and intangible support from stakeholders and intervention and monitoring by LGU for safety and security of teaching in the distribution and retrieval of modules.


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