HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 8 (2022)

Internet Fatigue Scale for Teachers (IFST): Development and Validation

Keith Marionne Ilay | Joie Mendoza

Discipline: Education



From early childhood education through the tertiary, the rapid transition to online learning modality to keep students interested in continuing education has led to dramatically increased workloads for teachers to identify the content of the work. (Allen et. al., 2020). The main goal of developing Internet Fatigue Scale for Teachers (IFST) is to objectively measure the level of online fatigue they are experiencing as facilitators of learning. Data obtained from the scale was participated by a diverse population of Filipino online teachers with a total number of 119, handling students from nursery level to postgraduate studies. The final version of the scale with the item count of 20 (mean=72.40; SD=8.48) was found to be fairly reliable (a=.721; n=109). For the content validity IFST scored .99 in content validity index (CVI) which is the minimum acceptable value for five experts according to Lawshe (1975). Overall, the psychometric properties of IFST has shown to be acceptable following the norm of Filipino online teachers of any age, gender, teaching experience and level of students being taught.


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