HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 4 (2022)

A Correlational Study on the Impact of Perceived Sources of Stress on AcademicPerformance

John Patrick Arcite

Discipline: Education



The main objective of this study was to determine the impact of perceived sources of stress on the academic performance of college students in the new normal classes. It utilized the descriptive correlational method of research and applied the following statistical treatment of data’s: Mean, Pearson–r, T-test, and ANOVA using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). This investigation used researcher-made survey questionnaire which undergoes validation and summative assessment tool for both general and professional education which undergoes item analysis. Universal sampling technique was used with a total of 119 college students in Davao de Oro, Philippines. The result of the study revealed that students in new- normal education have high stress on academic factors, personal factors, relationship factors, and environmental factors. Moreover, there is a moderate negative correlation on perceived sources of stress and academic performance which means that the higher the stress level, the lower the academic performance will be. Age, Gender, and Ethnicity are examined to find significant difference among the group, the result shows that there is no significant difference on both perceived sources of stress and academic performance in relation to the stated moderating variables. As recommendations, students must be more motivated and engaged in learning for them to easily find comfort and healthy relationship. Teachers must be updated and well-trained with the new trends of teaching strategies to students see their fullest potential and be honed holistically. Schools shall have program for students to be provided with counselling sessions with a licensed professional counselor or psychometrician. This is to advocate on the Mental Health Awareness and to intervene students who are struggling to build themselves as early as possible.


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