HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 4 (2022)


Honey Calumag

Discipline: Education



This study determined the relationship between the senior high school (SHS) students’ self-regulation and their performance in writing research. The descriptive-correlation research design was utilized in this study. Using Cochran’s formula for calculating a sample for proportions, 195 Senior High School students of Kabankalan District IV were chosen as the study respondents. Results of the study revealed that no significant difference existed in the overall extent of self-regulation of the students when grouped according to sex, parents’ educational attainment, and family income. However, results likewise revealed that a positive relationship existed in certain factors of self-regulation such as goal setting, self-monitoring, restructuring context, and self-evaluation. These findings suggested that the higher the self-regulation of the students, the higher would be their performance in research.


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