HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 4 (2022)

Effects of Unemployment to Displaced Workers in Moalboal Cebu, Philippines

Aldrin Ampurado | ELISHEBA S. PADILLO

Discipline: Education



Unemployment has an unfavorable impact on people's lives. Because of the pandemic, majority of the workers lost their jobs, particularly in the tourism industry. Job opportunity seems to be little to none at all. The study was conducted to determine the effects of unemployment to displaced workers in Moalboal Cebu, Philippines as a basis in the formulation of proposing an improved and developed an action plan for tourism workers. The research study aimed to know the level of effect of being unemployed with regard to their emotions, to the way how the think, their physical resiliency, their optimistic view psychologically, their social linkages and connectedness and lastly, their spirituality. The study utilized the descriptive survey method using a researcher-made survey questionnaire to gather data on the effect of unemployment in the holistic life of tourism workforce in Moalboal, Cebu, Philippines. And based upon the results, the researchers conclude that there is a significant relationship between the previous length of working experience of displaced tourism worker and the effect of being unemployed. In addition to that, unemployment does affect the emotional, psychological, social, spiritual, physical, and intellectual of being unemployed.


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