HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 5 (2023)

Comparative Brand Analysis of Honest Organic Beverages and Starbucks: Incorporating Digital Marketing Trends in Rebuilding Brand Competitiveness

Janine Pinca

Discipline: Education



Today’s technological advancements have immensely influenced the way businesses communicate with the customers and the market. Therefore, the general objective of this study is to identify new trends in digital marketing and how these digital marketing activities influence consumers’ brand awareness in acquiring customers and enhancing brand competitiveness. Furthermore, this study aims to determine the relationship of digital marketing strategies as correlated to customers’ brand awareness. Today, Starbucks has seen to be the leading competitor in the local and global market aiming to be on top of consumers drinks preference list and has always been building customer brand loyalty, whereas Honest Organic Beverages is setting its feet in competing other brands by promoting business sustainability and transparency. This study applies descriptive quantitative research design with convenient selection of participants. The primary gathering tool was a modified survey questionnaire. The data gathered from the survey questionnaire was analyzed and interpreted using interval data measurement on a Five-point Likert scale. The result implies that businesses should incorporate various digital marketing strategies to gain competitive advantage, increase positive brand perception and develop positive attitude towards the brand. Businesses should invest in different digital marketing strategies and channels such as social media marketing, webinar platforms, mobile applications, content marketing campaigns, video marketing and email marketing to encourage more customer engagement with the brand. It came to light that digital marketing strategies significantly affects customers’ brand awareness in great extent with a Pearson r correlation coefficient value of 0.949 interpreted as ‘Very Strong Correlation.’


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