HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 10 (2023)

Experiences of Physical Education Teachers in Flexible Learning Modality

Alvin Francis Ambe

Discipline: Education



The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of nine (9) randomly chosen private tertiary Physical Education teachers in General Santos City in the Flexible Learning Modality. The study utilized the phenomenological method of qualitative design in elucidating the experiences of PE teachers. Using Colaizi’s (1978) method for data analysis, thirty-two (32) emergent themes were extracted reflecting participants’ practices, challenges, measures, and perceptions related to their preparation, implementation, and assessment experiences in FLM. Results revealed that the physical education teachers employed a variety of practices during the preparation, implementation, and assessment phases of flexible learning modality. This study has also illuminated the numerous challenges encountered, and measures teachers have devised in overcoming and adapting to these challenges. These strategies involve self-directed learning and motivation, proactivity, and compassion toward students. Additionally, this study discovered that participants viewed their experiences negatively due to the various demands and challenges. However, they described their experiences as fulfilling, heartwarming, and worthwhile because they can still transfer learning to their students and live by the value of patience and understanding as an educator.


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