HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 1 (2023)

Marungko Approach: A Strategy to Improve Beginning Reading Performance Among Learners

Hania Alauya | Erlinda Basmayor

Discipline: Education



The study assessed the efficacy of Marungko approach as a strategy to establish reading performance of the Grade Four Pupils of Pindulonan Elementary School in Bacolod Kalawi, Lanao del Sur. It inquired the significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores after the integration of the said approach. The study utilized the quasi-experimental research design, pretest and posttest in one group method to test the significant difference of the two different scores from the same respondents. The respondents were the 32 grade four pupils of Pindulonan Elementary School and was conducted on the 2nd quarter of the year 2022. Among the 32 respondents in grade four pupils of Pindulonan Elementary School only one got the excellent level in the pretests while five (5) of them got the poor level. On the posttest after applying the Marungko approach, none of them got the poor level and seventeen (17) of the respondents got the scores of 33 – 40 with a description of excellent level. On the significant difference between the posttest and pretest scores of the respondents after applying the marungko approach, the respondents’ posttest scores had a high significant difference between the pretest scores after the applying of Marungko approach. Thus, the null hypothesis, which states that there is no significant difference between the posttest and pretest scores of the respondents after applying the Marungko approach was rejected. Reading plays a vital role in all human activities The Marungko Approach is designed to equip pupils the necessary reading skills to improve their achievement in reading.


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