HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 1 (2023)

An Assessment of the Numerical and Analytical Skills of Grade 11

Jayson Cababat | Ralph Pespeñan

Discipline: Education



The ability to think logically and solve problems is a skill that students can improve through learning mathematics. It can be used in a wide range of real-world situations: formal and casual. It can be used in business, engineering, sciences, and technologies. The research aimed to determine the level of proficiency of the students' numerical and analytical skills among Grade 11 senior high school students at Talisay City National High School. A non-experimental research design engaging in a descriptive approach was utilized in this study, with 293 students responding using Slovin’s formula and the stratified random sampling method. The gathered data were analyzed using the mean and percentage scores to determine the level of proficiency and competence of the students' numerical and analytical skills. The findings revealed that the students in both the Academic and TVL tracks were developing levels of proficiency in numerical skills. On the other hand, the Academic Track students were approaching proficiency in analytical skills, while the TVL Track students were at the developing level of proficiency, which clearly implies that they had a foundational understanding of numbers and operations, but this was insufficient because accurate calculations also involve the interpretation of mathematical data. The researchers concluded that developing mathematics program plans such as remediation and enrichment must be conceptualized in response to the existing mathematical gaps and learning needs of the students and then applied with these skills for practical uses in daily life.


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