HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 1 (2023)

Mental Health Literacy, Level of Stressful Experiences and Coping Strategies of Elementary School Teachers

Amie Cardinez | Maria Fe Mahinay

Discipline: Education



Mental health has been a constant and important concern in the academic sector thus, this study aimed to measure the mental health literacy, level of stressful experiences and coping strategies among teachers. This study utilizes a descriptive- correlational research design and complete enumeration to determine the respondents and the data gathered were treated with the appropriate statistical treatments. Result of the study revealed that the most preferred coping strategy of the elementary teachers is religiosity and they have never tried substance use. Conclusively, findings showed that there is no significant relationship between mental health literacy and level of stressful experiences of the elementary teachers. However, a significant relationship was found between mental health literacy and coping strategies, and so is on the level of stressful experiences and coping strategies of the respondents.


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