HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 8 (2023)

Stuck in the Pandemic: Lived Experiences of Senior High School Students in the Schools of Kabankalan I and V

Jesusa Dela Paz | Mary Joan Dayon | Junry Esparar | Faustino Padilla | Milagros Aurea Sabidalas

Discipline: Education



This qualitative research studied and analyzed the senior high school learners’ lived experiences on Modular Learning Delivery Modality during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eleven (11) Senior High School learners were interviewed in the districts of Kabankalan I and V of DepEd Kabankalan City. Using the Phenomenological Method of Inquiry in organizing, reading, looking, coding, description, representing, and interpreting the data, four major themes were derived from the study: (1) Uncomfortable Learning space, (2) Time Management and Parental Support, (3) Challenges Meet in the Modular Distance Learning, and (4) Realization to Oneself. Considering the careful analysis of the themes the following conclusions were deduced: (a) The conduciveness of learning spaces affects by external factors; (b): Poor Time management and lack of parental/guardian support affect the quality of modular distance learning; (c) Challenges encountered by the learners adversely affected their academic performance; (d) self - realization on the importance of face to face, parents’ support, time management, and teachers in teaching difficult subjects opened the eyes of the learners to be more self-motivated to continue education through modular distance learning


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