HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 5 (2022)

School-Based Management: Reevaluating and Innovating Learning Outcomes to Refine Schools’ Performances and Practices

Annie Silabay | Jane Lumbanon | Elisa Pepugal | Michael Pareja | Jeffry Saro

Discipline: Education



A form of decentralization known as "School-Based Management" prioritizes each individual school as the primary improvement unit and concentrates on the transfer of decision-making authority to the school level as the primary means of promoting and maintaining improvements. This study aimed to determine and reevaluate the school-based management (SBM) practices in innovating learning outcomes to refine school performance. This study had 100 participants. There were 3 principals, 2 school heads, 60 teachers (primary and secondary), 5 non-teaching personnel, 15 selected students, and 15 school stakeholders from the recipient schools of school-based management practices in the Division of Agusan del Sur. More so, this study utilized interview and focus group discussion, the responses of the respondents were presented properly. The mean, standard deviation, and percentage were used in interpreting the levels of implementation and evaluation of the school-based management (SBM) practices on the school performance in the recipient schools in the Agusan del Sur Division. The regression analysis was performed at a 5% level of significance. A total of 37 respondents who provided feedback on this statement variable had an SBM implementation level of 45.71% (level 1), compared to 7.14% for level 2. As a DepEd governance structure, school-based management (SBM) offers a possibility to improve the caliber of primary education. Several countries have tested the SBM framework, and while it has justly lived up to its promise, education professionals have also issued warnings and hindsight statements.


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