HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 8 (2022)

Self-Learning Module: Involvement of Parents and the Academic Performance of their Children in the New Normal

Qursheeda Jakaria | Fatima Thalia Munabirul | Mona Allea Matolo

Discipline: Education



With the continuous lockdown brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, educational institutions were forced to withdrawfrom face-to-face classes and opt for a self-learning module at home where parents are task to be a “home facilitator” to their children. This study focused on the parents’ involvement in the learning of their children using self-learning module in English, Mathematics, Science, and Filipino in the new normal. The level of their children’s academic performance along the four subject areas of learning was established. Further, the significant relationship on the extent of involvement of the parents using the self-learning module along the four variables tested with the academic performance of their children, and the significant difference on the extent of parents’ involvement using self-learning module along the four variables were also established. This study employed descriptive-cross sectional research design conducted to the parents of the Grade VI pupils of MSU-TCTO ILS Mainstream Curriculum. Findings revealed that parents were oftentimes involved in the learning of their children using self-learning modules in Science, English, Mathematics and Filipino. In like manner, these pupils obtained a very satisfactory level of academic performance in the four subject areas. There is no significant relationship on the extent of the parents’ involvement using self-learning module along the four variables with the academic performance of their children. Further, there is no significant difference on the extent of the parents’ involvement using self-learning module along the variables tested. It is concluded that parents are highly involved in the learning of the children using self-learning modules in Science, English, Mathematics and Filipino. They invest time and effort for their children’s learning during this time of pandemic, hence, they become active home facilitators. The involvement of parents is specifically confined to assisting, guiding, monitoring, and motivating their children but not essentially in answering their modules since the latter are capable of doing the tasks in their self-learning modules as evident in their high academic performance. It is further concluded that parental involvement is not an index on pupils’ high academic performance.


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