HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 9 (2022)

Enriching the Teaching of Basic Swimming Strokes in Aquatics Utilizing Contextualized Video Demonstration: an Action Research

Jingoy D Taneo | Ed Christian Escubido | Michael Bonghanoy | Bhenser Amiruddin | Joseph Daan, | Cyril Cabello

Discipline: Education



The pedagogical modifications brought by the pandemic hasten the quest for validation of strategies in delivering quality instruction in the teaching process. Numerous studies provided the effectiveness of video instruction to the academic performance of the students in a non-skill-based topic but none focused on topics under physical education. This study assesses the video instruction in enriching the discussion of the basic strokes in swimming. A mixed method was employed in the study to triangulate the quantitative and qualitative data elicited from the respondents coming from Cebu Technological University – Moalboal Campus. The data was treated using t-test among the 30 students of both controlled and experimental groups using purposive non-randomized sampling technique. Their lived experiences were analyzed using Colaizzi’s descriptive phenomenological analysis. The findings of the study concluded that there was a significant difference of the pretest and posttest of both controlled and experimental group with p-value of 0.00. The lived experiences of the students were summed up to three themes – The Repetition, The Demonstration, and The Comfort Zone which describes their exposures to video instruction. With this, video demonstration is a strategy driven by technology that can change the behavior of the students. This study recommends that video demonstration can be explored more in different skill-based competencies for the students to have meaningful learning experiences.


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