HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 6 (2022)

Assessing Learners' Performances in Physical Education in the New Normal: Teachers’ Experiences

Alvin Francis Ambe | Cesar Pagulong | Rovie Gretchel Bucad

Discipline: Education



The COVID-19 pandemic compelled a radical shift in our educational system. This shift has had a significant impact on how subjects are taught and students are evaluated, particularly in practical classes like Physical Education. This case study examined three (3) Physical Education teachers' practical skills assessments in the Flexible Learning Modality. The data were collected via in-depth interviews, and qualitative data analysis was used to identify emergent categories and themes based on excerpts from the participants' interview transcripts. The findings indicate that physical education teachers use revamped teaching methods and processes when evaluating students' practical skills in the face of adversity. This includes the use of online platforms to assist students in learning; formative assessment and feedback; and well-designed rubrics for evaluation. Assessment in the new normal faces a number of technical, personal, and assessment-related challenges. In response to these challenges, teachers allow students' final outputs and activities to be extended and modified.


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