HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 6 (2022)

3Cs (Copy-Cover-Compare) for Mathematics Fundamental Operations Skills

Reynaldo Hervas Jr

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to improve the abilities in mathematical fundamental operations of the fifth graders of Midsayap Pilot Elementary School in the school year 2022-2023 using the 3Cs intervention. This is an intervention that offers a specific evidence-based activity to practice fact retrieval. In preparation, create a worksheet with around 10 or more mathematics facts. Have the list of sums or products lined up along one side of the paper. Let students study the facts and, when they’re ready, cover the lined-up numbers and try to recreate the list. When they’re done, compare the list they generated to the original list. The results showed that all the respondents before the intervention really need improvement in terms of mathematics fundamental operations skills. After the implementation of the 3Cs intervention, the post-test results showed that the respondents are excellent in terms of their skills in mathematics fundamental operations skills. There is indicative of a very highly significant difference between the pretest and posttest mean scores of the respondents. The overall findings revealed that the 3Cs (Copy-Cover-Compare) intervention has contributed a small effect on the mathematical fundamental operations skills of the respondents. Thus, the intervention needs to be improved. Finally, the researchers would like to recommend enhancing this study by proposing other options for improving the Mathematics Fundamental Operations skills of Elementary Pupils. This will surely help Elementary pupils to have the full potential of learning and improve their mathematical skills in fundamental operations.


  1. Brandt, C., Bassoi, T. and Baccon, A. (2016) Difficulties of 6th Grade Elementary School Students in Solving the Four Basic Fundamental Operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Natural Numbers. Creative Education, 7, 1820-1833. doi: 10.4236/ce.2016.713185