HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 6 (2022)

Challenges Encountered by Secondary School Teachers in the New Normal: Basis for Intervention Plan

Darwin Haro | G.L. John Haro

Discipline: Education



The central concept of this study was mainly focused on the challenges encountered by the secondary school teachers in the new normal at Guimbal National High School, Guimbal Iloilo during the school year 2020-2021 as basis for an intervention plan. The variables included in this study are age, highest educational attainment, length of service. The degree of challenges encountered by the secondary school teachers in the new normal covered the following areas: learning delivery mode, parents’ involvement and LGU’s support. Findings revealed that most of the 97 study respondents are younger, have served longer, but have lower educational attainment. Secondary school teachers encountered a moderate degree of challenges in the new normal in the area of learning delivery mode, parents’ involvement, and LGU’s support. Younger and older secondary school teachers encountered moderate challenges based on learning delivery mode and parents' involvement. In comparison, there is a low degree of challenges encountered by younger secondary school teachers and a moderate degree of challenges encountered by older ones in LGU’s support. According to the length of service, shorter and longer in-service secondary school teachers encountered a moderate degree of challenges based on learning delivery mode and parents' involvement. In comparison, there is a low degree of challenges encountered by shorter in-service secondary school teachers and a moderate degree of challenges encountered by longer ones in the area of LGU’s support. When based on educational attainment, the same analysis yielded an analogous moderate degree of challenges encountered according to age, length of service, and highest educational attainment. When grouped in learning delivery mode, parents' involvement, and LGU’s Support, no significant difference was found in the degree of challenges encountered by secondary school teachers in the new normal.


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