HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 3 (2022)

Superbrain Yoga: Impact on the Reading Comprehension and Behavior of Slow Readers

Alma Janagap | Therese Marie Francoise Janagap

Discipline: Education



Improving the reading comprehension skills and classroom behavior of high school remedial reading students is a very big challenge since the saying applies, “Bend the twig while it’s young.” To hasten their improvement on these areas, this study was aimed at determining the impact of Master Choa Kok Sui (MCKS) Superbrain Yoga on the reading comprehension skill and classroom behavior of the grade 7 remedial reading students in a span of two months grading period in Pavia National High School, SY 2017- 2018. It is a mixed method of pre-experimental design and qualitative-thematic narratology. In gathering data, the following researcher-made instruments were used: adopted validated questionnaire on classroom behavior and the selected elementary Phil-IRI items in comprehension test. All the instruments were given for pretests and posttests. A focus group discussion was also done among the randomly selected subjects. The statistical tools used included the mean and the paired samples t-test. The significant difference was computed at 95% confidence level or at 0.05 margin of error. The quantitative findings of the investigation showed that the Master Choa Kok Sui Superbrain Yoga made a significant difference in the reading comprehension skill and classroom behavior as revealed by the improved scores of the participants during the posttests of the subjects. The focus group discussion indicated that the students improved attitude towards reading, learning and social life. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the Master Choa Kok Sui Superbrain Yoga impacted the performance of the students in reading comprehension and in their classroom behavior. It is recommended that more action researches should be done using the intervention, the Superbrain Yoga, to verify its impact. Further, it is also recommended that the Department of Education should explore the benefits of this intervention and give it a chance to prove its worth. Being the second study of its kind in the Philippines, the impact of this study showed improvement of the reading comprehension skills and behavior of the remedial reading students in Iloilo who practiced the simple exercise. Feedback revealed that students overcame restlessness and became focused and calmer as Superbrain Yoga energizes the brain and balances emotions. Likewise, those who religiously practice became healthy aside from being mentally alert.


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