HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 8 (2022)

Perceptions and Lived Experiences: A Phenomenological Study of Technical Vocational and Livelihood Strand Students During the New Normal Education

Jeffry Saro | Eleazar Boquil | Joel Lim | Rosemarie Boquil | Mechelle Yu

Discipline: Education



Education is a valuable possession in the society that people live in today, and many strive hard to acquire it. Education is essential for everyone to lead fulfilled lives. This study aimed to assess and investigate the perceptions and lived experiences of Grade 12 TVL strand students from San Luis National High School, particularly in the Senior High School Department, during the school years 2021 to 2022 of the new normal education system. The study used a qualitative type of research design, particularly a phenomenological study method approach to analyze and questions were defined by the researchers from a phenomenological standpoint in the TVL strand. The Grade 12 TV students are currently dealing with a variety of obstacles brought on by the pandemic. The viral threat is not the only problem the students are facing; they're also having academic difficulties. Based on their personal experiences, the participants turn to their fellow students to help them overcome obstacles in the new normal education system. Due to the nature of the learning environment, the students develop their support network digitally, allowing them to interact socially. On the basis of the respondents' responses, it is possible to surmise that there is a difference in the student's performance and experiences when participating in traditional learning and new normal learning. According to their responses, it may be inferred that the students preferred the traditional educational setting.


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