HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 10 (2022)

Identification and Validation of Learning Domains for Alternative Learning System: Input to Assessment to Implementers’ Competence

Jerelyn R. Amigo | Betelino V. Amigo

Discipline: Education



This study identified and validated the six (6) learning domains for Alternative Learning System (ALS) that can be used as input to the assessment of the ALS implementers' competence in communication skills, scientific and critical thinking skills, mathematical and problem-solving skills, life and career skills, understanding the self and society, and Digital Citizenship in the ALS K-12 curriculum. A developmental–evaluative design was conducted to identify and validate the learning domains for ALS through item identification and creation of items, ensuring the content is correct, questions pre-testing, survey administration, and sample size, item reduction, extraction of factors, dimensionality testing, and reliability testing. The 789 items for Junior High School competencies were reduced to 218 items based on the expert panel review. Psychometric properties of the preliminary questionnaire were assessed as follows: self-efficacy theory, factor analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and Cronbach's alpha. Factor analysis yielded six factors: communication skills (52 items); scientific and critical thinking skills (32 items); mathematics & problem-solving skill (44 items); life and career skills (38) understanding of self and society (38 items); and digital citizenship (14 items). Factor Analysis results were adequate, and the Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that the model's excellent fit to the data and the fit indices are well within their cutoff values. Cronbach Alpha indicated strong internal reliability in both the instrument and the sub-dimensions.


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