HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 8 (2022)

Animated Video-Based Instruction and Performance in Physical Education

Christian Garcia

Discipline: Education



The researcher focused on determining the applicability of Animated Video-Based instructional materials in increasing the performance of Grade 7 students in Physical Education. This study utilized Single Pretest Posttest design, Frequency and Percentage, Paired Sample t-test and Mean and Standard Deviation. The respondents of this study were twenty (20) teachers of Agdangan District and one hundred (100) grade 7 students from Elias A. Salvador National High School. The researcher used survey questionnaire through google forms as the research instruments to validate the applicability of Animated Video – Based Instructional materials. Regarding the evaluation of the applicability of Animated Video in terms of accuracy, appeal to the target user, audio and graphic design, originality of presentation, and learning content, they evaluated the given set of indicators as strongly acceptable. Also, based on the results of pretest and posttest of students the results revealed that there is a significant difference in the performance of the students before and after the implementation of Animated Video – Based Instructional materials in grade 7 physical education. Teachers and school administrators should conduct an in-depth analysis of students' baseline competencies in developing supplementary material that will facilitate their mastery of the expected competencies. The department must consider that the use of animated video-based instructions uses wide visual technological materials like television or projector so that its components will be applicable.


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