HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 1 (2022)

Business Communication Skills of Home Economics Students

Rey Francis Nacorda | Jonel Garma

Discipline: Education



Employability and managerial skills start at school. This study aimed to determine the personal performance rating of business communication skills among Home Economics (H.E) students in Maghaway National High School. A descriptive research design was utilized in this study with 17 respondents. For the data analysis, this study utilizes a weighted mean of the responses gathered. Based on the results the respondent’s business communication skills were categorized as developing which implies that students’ competence is limited. It is clearly presented that the respondents categorized their skills in terms of public speaking skills, active listening, collaboration skills, and decision-making skills was developing while written communication was categorized as a beginning. The researchers concluded that the business communication skills of the students must be given corresponding attention by developing interventions and teaching strategies that will help to enhancethe student’s business communication skills and to prepare them for real-life work settings.


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