HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 1 (2022)

School Learning Action Cell (SLAC) Program: The Batuan District Experience

Cesar Almonicar | Raiza Padasas

Discipline: Education



The descriptive mixed research was performed to evaluate the length of the School Learning Action Cell (SLAC) programme, the modes of implementation, faced problems / challenges, and the strategies used. This study used a floated survey- questionnaire checklist and included an interview with 120 teachers at the public elementary schools. This work uncovered credible knowledge about SLAC System implementation. Whereupon, according to 90% of the respondents, most schools administered SLAC system on a monthly basis. Consequently, the most widely used mode of implementation is lecture discussion with 72.50 % of total responses. Sharing of best practices with 70 % responses is also common in implementation. The least-used deployment style with responses of 24.17 % is project-based. The SLAC schedule of 68.33 % responses is the biggest challenge in implementation led by duplication of 45 % responses to events. Collaborative and cooperative learning is the best option, according to 45 % of respondents. Devices could be manufactured using SLAC based on the 44.17 % respondents. Teacher participants may also illustrate instructional techniques with 43.33 % responses as part of communicating best practices. For them, content training is the least-used intervention with only 18.33 % of responses. This study recommends monitoring of the period of the conduct, the mode of implementation of this program and proper assessment of identifying problems met as well as employing the right interventions


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