HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 9 (2022)

Mental Workload, Psychosocial Needs and Mental Welfare of Public Schools Grade VI Advisers in Santa Rosa City, Laguna

Deryk Mayano

Discipline: Education



The researcher wanted to solve the factors of an arising problem in the future, practicing to be preventive than reactive, and looking at possible things to arrange that affect the next generation. This research focused on the Mental Workload that includes the different demands classified as Cognitive, Temporal, Emotional, and Performance. Psychosocial Needs have three (3) identified factors categorized as Autonomy, Relatedness, and Competence. Lastly, the level of Mental Welfare is compartmented in two (2) as Teaching Efficacy and School Connectedness. The purpose of this study is to know the exigency of our public primary-level teachers moreover the assigned and tasked as the adviser of our pupils. As the mentioned idea, they are in charge and involved personalities in taking care of our learners– our future proofs. This study is anchored on the wellbeing theory of Seligman, the Cognitive Load Theory of Sweller et al., and the Self-Determination Theory. The action plan was made and managed to recommend taking the first step in resolving the identified issues presented and result by the scientific investigation. This research used a purposive sampling technique which is the total population in accordance with of usage the Carmen- Q, Basic Need Satisfaction Work scale, and Teacher Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire by Renshaw. Teachers in our academic institutions are expected to help the students in acquiring knowledge, train the learners to be globally competitive and educate them to increase their level of readiness in facing life’s dilemmas and be able to impact the aspect of real situations in the field which has something to do with what we call as survival. In line with this, this study found that there was a strong relationship established with the variables selected which were classified as Mental Workload, Psychosocial Needs, and Mental Welfare of Grade VI advisers in the seaside cluster of DepEd Division Schools of Santa Rosa City, Laguna.


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