HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 2 no. 5 (2022)

The Life of the Laters: Students Procrastination in Accomplishing Academic Deadlines in Online Learning

Jean Louise Olleras | Marissa Dagwayan | Aliann Marie Dejacto | Jenny Rose Mangay | Medalyn Ebarsabal | Dinah Jean Diaz | Christine Puti-an | Andrew Lendio | Joan Nadera | Jingoy D Taneo | Cyril Cabello | Antonieta Minyamin

Discipline: Education



Procrastination has always been a problem in schools, and it has an undeniable negative impact on academic performance. With the shift to online learning, academic procrastination has also drawn attention in the form of failing to accomplish academic deadlines within the time frame, whether it is done synchronously or asynchronously. This study aims to explicate the students' experiences of procrastination in accomplishing academic deadlines in online learning. Grounded on Parkinson’s Law, which explains why you can't seem to accomplish anything. With 13 participants who qualified under the inclusion criteria using purposive sampling, the data were treated using the qualitative approach that utilizes Heideggerian Phenomenology and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) anchored on the Modified Van Kaam Approach popularized by Moustakas. To start, the researchers administered bracketing to avoid any biases. Through digital platforms, they conducted semi-structured interviews. Four emerging core themes were generated, such as: (Theme 1) the worrier, (Theme 2) the over-doer, (Theme 3) the underprivileged, and (Theme 4) the perfectionist. Due dates have a significant impact on students, as seen by these emerging key themes, resulting in task postponement. The researchers were compelled to offer an effective and flexible time management plan to sustain students’ healthy learning habits.


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