HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 9 (2022)

The Lived Experiences of Teenage Fathers: A Phenomenological Study

Tobe Kate Ildefonso | Clair De Mae Bregabriel | Hovelyn Joy Samillano | Edgardo Vallagomesa | Kathlene Joyce T Yap

Discipline: Education



The purpose of this qualitative- phenomenological research is to discuss, explore and explain the lived experiences of teenage fathers. The participants are residing in various barangays of Kabankalan City, specifically Barangay 1, Barangay 2, and Barangay 3. Using purposive sampling, five (5) participants who became fathers during their teenage years were identified. Phenomenology was used to identify the following textural themes: (a) hanging out with friends; (b) financial hardships; (c) positive changes brought about by fatherhood; and (d) realizations of being a father. The essence of this study can be metaphorically likened to a marble sculptor and the sculpted marble—where one shapes life through aspirations and adjustments as the art of sculpting unfolds. The findings of this study imply the significant turn of events in the life of the participants and the realizations from the lessons they have learned as teenage fathers.


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