HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 6 (2022)

Correlation Between Students’ Entrance Exam Results and Academic Performance in ENSCIMA

Glicerio B. Estacio, Jr. | Romulo Arada | Marlon P. Sta.catalina

Discipline: Education



Education is one of the most important components in developing a human resource that is required for a country's development in all areas. Students get confidence and self-esteem as a result of these admission tests, and they also gain strength from knowing that they are qualified to pursue studies in that profession. It also contributes significantly to the advancement of an individual's understanding. The study used 239 student-applicants for RSET 2022, 177 came from private schools, and 72 came from public schools. The documentary analysis showed that the average grade of students from private schools in English, Science, and Mathematics was 93 while students from public schools got a grade of 91 in English and Science, and 90 in Mathematics. The percentage scores average obtained by the students from private schools was 67.98 while the public schools was 67.75. Other results showed that there is a significant difference between the academic performance of public and private school students. In terms of RSET results, there is no significant difference between the scores in English and Science while the Mathematics, showed that there is a significant difference between the scores. The RSET results showed that the grades given in the private schools were not parallel to the examination result while that of the public schools were parallel based on the correlational analysis


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