HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 6 (2022)

Validation and Effectiveness of Developed Learning Materials: Basis for Enhancement

Elaine Anzures

Discipline: Education



The objective of this study was to validate and assess the efficacy of created learning materials for Assessment of Student Learning 2 as a basis for its improvement. The one-group pre-test and posttest design was used in this study. It was conducted among the randomly chosen group of 36 students in the second year of the Teacher Education College at the Iloilo State College of Fisheries-Dingle Campus who make use of the created instructional materials in their Assessment of Student Learning 2 class. The adapted questionnaire from the study of Yazon with revised items about digitized modules were used to determine the level of evaluation on the developed learning materials as to students’ perception and a 50-item researcher made questionnaire which undergoes face and content validation was used to determine the effectiveness of the developed learning materials. Results showed that students assessed the learning materials as "Highly Acceptable" and "Acceptable" in terms of language usage, format, and assessment/activities. Additionally, the performance of education students before and after their exposure to the developed learning materials was shown to have significantly changed. The result suggest that the created learning tools were effective in facilitating the learning process.


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