HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 6 (2022)

Academic Procrastination and Self-Motivation Practices Among First-Year College Education Students in an Online Learning Modality

Maricar Camacho | Ariel Miranda | Jeehan Banggos | Jessa Mae Batulan | Mary Angelou Cardaño | Kristyll Faith Amor Menguita | Hannah Jane Rosagaran

Discipline: Education



This study was conducted to determine Academic Procrastination and Self-Motivation practices among First-Year College students of Notre Dame of Midsayap College. It covered the demographic profile of the respondents, such as sex. It discussed academic procrastination practices and selfmotivation practices to overcome these acts or patterns of behavior. Furthermore, it determined the significant difference in the respondents’ acts or patterns of procrastination and self-motivation when grouped according to sex. Moreover, descriptive and causal-comparative research designs were employed in this study. A survey questionnaire was the main instrument to gather data for this research. Results showed that the respondents’ Academic Procrastination Practices are mainly related to their poor time management and social media exposure. Also, the respondents’ Self-Motivation Practices to overcome and avoid academic procrastination can be primarily explained by their parent’s hard work, support, concern, and financial status. Finally, findings revealed that First-Year College Education students do not significantly differ regarding their academic procrastination and self-motivation practices when grouped according to sex.


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