HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 10 (2023)

College Students' Experiences on Prolonged Social Deprivation and Their Coping Mechanisms in the Midst of Community Quarantine

Emarie Jean Marallag | Jade Michelle Pabalinas | John Patrick Pagulayan | Angelique Pascual | Darin Jan Tindowen | Renz Marion Gavino

Discipline: Education



The COVID-19 outbreak has forced the government to implement strict quarantine protocols in our country. As a result, social interaction has been limited especially among college students. Due to this fact, the researchers conducted this study to explore the personal experiences of college students of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao on prolonged social deprivation, and to determine the different coping mechanisms they employed during the pandemic. A qualitative research design was utilized in the current study which employed Phenomenological Interpretative Research. Through purposive sampling, a total of 20 college students from different programs and departments participated in this study. The data were gathered by engaging in an online interview with the use of open-ended questions. The results revealed seven (7) major recurring themes when it comes to the experiences of the students with prolonged social deprivation which include: (1) Academic-Related Experiences; (2) Interpersonal-Related Experiences; (3) Personal-Related Experiences; (4) Anxiety-Related Symptoms; (5) Depressive Symptomatology; (6) Stress; and (7) Behavioral Improvement. Meanwhile, five (5) major themes for coping strategies were revealed by the students which include: (1) Recreational Activities and Use of Social Media; (2) Spiritual Related Activities;(3) Interpersonal-Related Activities: (4) Intrapersonal-Related Activities; and (5) Distraction Method. In conclusion, this study highlights that experiencing social deprivation in the midst of a pandemic can cause challenges and problems affecting the different aspects of the students’ lives, which can be detrimental to their mental health and well-being. However, by employing different coping strategies, the students were able to maintain their well-being amidst the pandemic.


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