HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 10 (2023)

Writing Proficiency in English and Academic Achievement of the Grade 7 Students of Father Julian C. Rago Memorial National High School: Bases for a Proposed Instructional Enhancement in English

Rolanie Belarmino

Discipline: Education



This study determined the significant relationship between writing proficiency in English and the academic achievement of Grade 7 students of Father Julian C. Rago Memorial National High School. It was anchored on the theories of Stephen Krashen’s Second Language Acquisition Theory, B. F. Skinner’s Language Acquisition Theory, and Chomsky’s Linguistic theory. The study utilized the descriptive – correlational method of research. The respondents were one hundred four (104) Grade 7 students. Data was gathered through the TOEFL Test of Writing English (TWE) results of the respondents and their final grades in English, Science and Mathematics. Data were analyzed using frequency count, sum, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test/ANOVA and Pearson r. Findings revealed that as to the profile of the respondents, the female respondents were greater than the male respondents, majority of the respondents belong to the family with Php 5,001- Php10,000 monthly income, more than half of the respondents’ mothers finished high school and most of the respondents’ fathers finished high school. The writing proficiency in English of the respondents as a whole was basic. The academic achievement of the respondents as a whole was satisfactory. There was a significant difference in the writing proficiency in English of the respondents as to sex, however, there was no significant difference in the writing proficiency in English of the respondents as to monthly family income and mothers and fathers’ educational attainment. There was a significant difference in the academic achievement of the respondents as to sex and monthly family income, however, there was no significant difference in the academic achievement of the respondents as to mothers and fathers’ educational attainment. There was a significant relationship between the respondents’ writing proficiency in English and their academic achievement. There was a high correlation between the two variables. Modules which focus on all the areas where the respondents need improvement were deemed to be most appropriate to enhance the writing proficiency of the respondents.


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