HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 6 no. 11 (2023)

Amoda Gayud Ngini, Mupadayon Kita: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Displaced Farm Laborers Due to Rice Farm Mechanization

Kevin Banudan | Nelyn Abrahan | Jr Mantog

Discipline: Education



This study employed a phenomenological approach to investigate the lived experiences of displaced farm laborers due to rice farm mechanization in San Rafael, Cateel Davao Oriental. This study explored the challenges faced by farm laborers during the rice farm mechanization intervention, their emotional responses towards farm mechanization, their ways of coping with those challenges, and participants' insights that they can share with farm laborers who are also affected by rice farm mechanization. In gathering the data, the researchers employed focus group discussion with four (4) participants who qualified based on the criteria set for the study. The results showed that the participants encountered the challenges of the loss of farm labor as a job opportunity and the need to find another job. Moreover, it was also revealed that sentiments on not being needed anymore and working one's cent on increasing agricultural technology advancement were their emotional responses. It was further revealed that the creation of new opportunities and a sense of responsibility was their support systems to cope with the problem. When it comes to participants' insights for other affected farm laborers, they highlighted that resiliency is the prime key to overcoming the adversity brought by rice farm mechanization. In conclusion, it was found that the intervention of rice machinery was the common factor that swayed participants' lives.


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