HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 11 (2023)

Modeling Social Relationships Through Critical Thinking Competence

Maria C. Lastimoza

Discipline: Education



This study determined if critical thinking competence can predict the State University and College (SUC) professors' social relationships. The randomly selected respondents with the academic rank of assistant professor to a university professor from the Panay Island universities and colleges were chosen through multi-stage sampling. A duly validated and pre-tested adopted instrument with minimal revision was used to gather the critical thinking competence and social relationship data. The statistical tools employed were the mean, standard deviation, t-test for independent samples, One-way ANOVA, and Linear Regression. The level of significance was set at 0.05 alpha. The findings revealed that SUC professors had a "very high" level of critical thinking competence. As to educational attainment, those with doctorate degrees had a "very high" level of critical thinking competence, while those with master's degrees had a "high" level of critical thinking competence. SUC professors who have been teaching for ten years and below and 21 years and above had a "very high" level of critical thinking competence, while those who have been teaching for 11-20 years had a "high" level of critical thinking competence. In addition, SUC professors had a "high" level of social relationships regardless of educational attainment and length of service. Further, there is a "significant difference" in SUC professors' level of critical thinking competence when classified as to educational attainment, whereas "no significant difference" existed as to their length of service. There is "no significant difference" in the level of the social relationship of SUC professors when classified as educational attainment and length of service. A "significant relationship" existed between SUC professors' critical thinking competence and social relationship. Also, SUC professors' critical thinking competence is a significant predictor of social relationships; hence, social relationship = 2.302 + 0.412 (critical thinking competence).


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