HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 11 (2023)

Challenges on Parental Involvement and the Reading Ability Skills of Grade Three Learners

Nerizza D Pepito | Teresita Sambo

Discipline: Education



This study determined the involvement of the Grade III learners’ parents in facilitating the reading ability skills of the learners of Francisco Lluch Laya Memorial Integrated School, South I District, Division of Iligan City during the school year 2021-2022. It also determined the challenges encountered in facilitating the learners reading skills, and the reading abilityskills of the learners in terms of word recognition, speed, and comprehension, the significant relationship between the reading ability skills of the learners in terms of word recognition, speed, and comprehension and parental involvement in facilitating reading were assessed. Random sampling was used to determine the 50 Grade Three parent respondents. The instrument utilized was PHIL-IRI material for Grade Three learners reading ability skills and the researcher-made test questionnaire for the parental involvement and challenges. The research design was descriptive correlational and the statistical tools utilized used were frequency and percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation, One-Way ANOVA (F-test), and Regression analysis. Based on the results the reading ability skills of the learners in terms of word recognition, speed, and comprehension fell in the frustration level. Parental involvement and the learners’ reading ability skills in terms of word recognition, speed, and comprehension were significantly related. Thus the null hypothesis stating that there is no significant relationship between the reading ability skills development of the learners and parental involvement in facilitating reading was rejected. This study concluded that the parents need to be enhanced their involvement, so an action plan was proposed and recommended to be implemented.


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