HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 11 (2022)

Lived Experiences of Former Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Beneficiaries

Sergio Mahinay Jr. | Aileen Escote | Sinclaire Signacion | Cherilyn Grace Yano | Jeny Goniabo | Erica Padilla | Sienna Dyne Antipuesto | Maulid Macapendig

Discipline: Education



The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a human development measure of the national government that provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor. The purpose of this program is to alleviate people’s poverty. This study investigated and delved deeper in understanding the lived experiences of five (5) former 4Ps beneficiaries. They were identified using purposivecriterion sampling. Furthermore, this phenomenological study aimed at finding out the challenges they encountered in relation to the implementation of 4Ps, how they dealt with these difficulties, and their perception, reflection, and realization. The data were gathered through individual in-depth interview with the aid of a validated semi- structured interview guide as a tool. Using recording, transcribing and thematic analysis, the results revealed that the lived experiences of the beneficiaries are generally characterized with financial instability and government support. It was also found out that participants encountered challenges such as insufficiency of funds and difficulty in securing requirements in relation to the implementation of 4Ps. It was also discovered that they were able to overcome these challenges through viewing difficulties as motivating factors and prioritizing needs. Lastly, this study gave emphasis on the participants’ reflections and realizations which included showing gratitude amidst challenges, acknowledging that success comes to those who work for it and valuing education.


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