HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 5 no. 11 (2022)

Burnout Stress and Work Arrangement at this Time of Pandemic Among the Employees of St. Dominic College of Asia: Basis in the Development of Mental Health Workplace Policies and Programs

Lara Janea Lorenzo | Philip Cuizon

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to assess the burnout stress and work arrangement at this time of pandemic among the employees of St. Dominic College of Asia. A total of 72 respondents participated in this study. The researcher utilized a self-made test that measures burnout stress, and it underwent subject-matter expert validation and reliability scoring. Results showed that respondents have average burnout stress regardless of their work arrangement at this time of Pandemic. Also, demographic profiles such as sex at birth, marital status, and employment status have nothing to do with the level of burnout stress. However, one’s age and highest educational attainment showed results with a significant difference, wherein based on Post- Hoc analysis, early adults experience more burnout stress than middle adults, and individuals with a master’s degree have higher burnout stress levels than those with a bachelor’s degree and/or doctoral degree.


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