HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 11 (2023)

Challenges Encountered by the Alternative Learning System Learners in Balindong II District, Lanao Del Sur I Division

Norjeda P Batuampar | Erlinda Basmayor

Discipline: Education



The study was to determine the challenges encountered by alternative learning system learners. The study was conducted last September 2022 at Balindong II District, Lanao del Sur I Division. The study utilized the descriptive-correlational research design to determine and examine the significant relationship between the socio-demographic profile and the challenges that alternative learning system learners encountered. The respondents were the 30 ALS learners in Balindong II District. Among the 30 respondents, most of the Alternative Learning System enrolled were in the adult stage, female, married, with a family income of 5,000.00 and below, 1 – 2 kilometers away from the community learning center, and Grade 7 – 8 as to their educational attainment. In terms of the challenges encountered by the respondents, the overall mean acquired by the respondents was 3.10. This can be interpreted as a learner’s response to challenges encountered was to the extent of the agreed level. In addition, in terms of correlation, the relationship between the challenges encountered and the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, family income, distance from residence to the Community Learning Center, and educational attainment was rejected. Lastly, in the regression analysis, the variable/s best predict the challenges encountered by the respondents” was rejected in terms of family income and distance from the residence to the community learning center. The different pathways must be seen as alternatives that cater to specific learner needs and requirements, because apart from dropouts there are from poor households there are groups not reached by formal school or do not have schools in their communities.


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