HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 2 (2023)

Teachers and Parents’ Experiences and Feedbacks on the Use of Modules: Basis forImproved Instructional Materials

Helen Dela Cruz

Discipline: Education



This study was conducted to determine the teachers' and parents’ experiences with and feedback on the use of modules in terms of production, content, assessment of learners, distribution, and retrieval. Descriptive-correlational research design was used in the study. It described the profile of the respondents, their experiences, feedback, and differences by selected demographic profile. The study's respondents were chosen using complete enumeration for teachers and the purposive sampling method for parents. The elementary teachers in the two districts generally agreed on the statement about their experiences and feedback on the use of modules in the areas of production, content, assessment for learners, distribution, and retrieval. Parents agreed on their experiences and feedback on the use of modules in terms of content but they were divided on their feedback in terms of assessment for learners. No significant difference in the experiences of teachers and parents in terms of age, sex, educational attainment, designation/position, and tribe. There was no significant difference in teachers' feedback on the use of modules in four areas based on demographic profile. Parents feedback on the use of modules in the area of content, no significant difference was noted, while for learners’ assessments in terms of sex and educational attainment, a significant difference was registered. Moreover, the relationships between the experiences and feedback of teachers and parents on the use of modules in four areas are significantly related.


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