HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 2 (2023)

A School-Based First Aid Training Design for Teachers in Two Selected Municipalitiesof the IV District of Quezon

Genesis Olarte

Discipline: Education



First aid is the provision of limited care for an illness or injury until definitive medical treatment can be accessed, or until the illness or injury is dealt with. Accident can occur even within the schools that require teachers to be knowledgeable in performing first aid. The purpose of this study was to find out the competency of the teachers on first aid measure. This study utilized a descriptive quantitative research design to analyze the data. This was conducted to 66 teachers of Patnanungan and Jomalig District. The responses were gathered through questionnaires and checklist. Findings revealed that most of the teachers’ age is between 21-30 years old and they have been serving for 5 years or less. It also revealed that the teachers are moderately knowledgeable on first aid measures. On the competency of the respondents, Patnanungan and Jomalig teachers showed least competency on providing first aid on common school emergencies. Thus, a training design and module that focuses on first aid skills was developed. The teachers’ competency on first aid should be improved to maintain the health and safety of the students within the school.


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