HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 2 (2023)

Video Ko Tun-An Mo: Its Effect on the Reading Comprehension Skills of Struggling Learners

Sally E Aspera

Discipline: Education



Low reading comprehension skills of struggling learners were annually experienced by Grade 2 Teachers of Apelo Elementary School which were shown in the learners’ report card. To determine the appropriate and effective teaching approaches in addressing the reading comprehension skills of struggling learners in a printed modular approach, the researcher developed the video lesson for learners. This study sought to determine the level of reading comprehension skills of Grade 2 struggling learners in English before and after their exposure to “Video Ko Tun-an Mo” as an intervention. Using the one single group pretest-postest design the struggling learners were exposed to Video Ko Tun-an mo as learner’s materials an equivalent post- test was administered to determine the learners’ level of reading comprehension skills after the intervention has been done. Theresults of the study revealed that learners have “very low” performance before the intervention and significantly improved to a “high” level after the learners were exposed to “Video Ko Tun-an Mo” learning materials. A significant difference was also observed in the learners’ reading comprehension skills in English after their exposure to the learning material. The results implied that the utilization of “Video Ko Tun-an Mo” was effective in improving the reading comprehension skills of struggling learners in English.


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