HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 2 (2023)

Leadership Practices of a Global Leader: A Contextual Inquiry

Marnel M Bullo | Joey V Pardeño | Analyn F Cuyos | Aldwin A Celon | Sabrina Irenea | Aiza B Abalo | Renee A. Lamela

Discipline: Education



Leaders perform a crucial role in the success of any organization or department, and their decisions can make or unmake the goals of the organization they are leading. Thus, this narrative research aims to gather and compare best practices based on various theories and leadership styles applicable in many contexts around the globe. Based on the findings of the study, five conclusions emerged from the findings of this study on the contextual inquiry of leadership practices of a global leader. The evidence for these conclusions came straight from one participant's replies regarding her leadership experiences, trainings, obstacles, and workplace practices in a global setting. First and foremost, a good leader must be a visionary leader who can influence the future. Second, because of the leadership styles and theories used in decision-making, a global leader need experience, training, and qualifications in order to effectively handle the challenges or problems that an international school face. Third, a good global leader should recognize and respect her subordinates, weighing their contributions through adequate listening, communication, and documentation in order to attain objectives. Fourth, being an educational leader who can positively impact or perform leadership tasks is determined by leadership style on a case-by-case basis. The leader's decision is based on the circumstances. Fifth, to effectively manage the organization, strong leadership begins with humility, hard work, and a goal-oriented mindset. These pertinent details on global leadership practices, styles, skills, and principles will serve as a road map for aspiring leaders to handle real-life problems and become effective leaders in the workplace.


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