HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 3 (2023)

Teachers’ Motivation in Pursuing Professional Development: Its Relationship to their Ascribed Competencies

Bailani Awa | Genevieve Torino

Discipline: Education



The general objective of this study was to determine the level of teachers’ ascribed competencies in the Municipality of Aleosan. It looked into their demographic profile, professional development programs attended, motivation in pursuing professional development, and level of ascribed competencies in the aspect of knowledge of subject matter, dedication to teaching, classroom organization and management, instructional organization, instructional implementation, and monitoring of pupil’s progress and potential. Majority of the teachers were in the age bracket of 36- 41, most are female with master’s units, teaching for more than 13 years, and designated as Teacher1. In addition, they had attended seminars related to computer literacy to enhance their teaching skills and strategies, and these teachers pursue professional development to support their overall growth. Moreover, teachers were highly competent when it comes to their level of ascribed competencies as assessed by the respondents. However, no significant difference was found between the level of teacher’s ascribed competencies when grouped according to educational attainment and position. Lastly, findings revealed that pursuing professional development influences all teachers’ ascribed competencies. The more motivated teachers are, the more competent they are.


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