HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 7 (2023)

Work Engagement and Organizational Commitment of Employees in Cavite, Philippines

Anderson Ray Arcadio | John Mark S. Distor | Darwin Diola

Discipline: Education



Employee’s work engagement and organizational commitment are factors influencing employee retention in the retail industry particularly in Supermarket. This study utilized a descriptive comparative design and descriptive correlational design that defined the relationship of the work engagement and organizational commitment of the employees. The study found that the employees have a high level of work engagement regardless of their age, sex, length of service, and job level. However, there is a significant difference found in employees’ level of work engagement in the variable of the length of service, and the dimension of vigor. This shows that a high level of activity affects their performance whether they stayed shorter or longer in the company. Also, a significant difference was found in the variable of job level, and the dimension of dedication. This means that some employees’ position or level of job affects their motivation at work. Thus, no significant difference was found in the other variables mentioned. Additionally, the study revealed that employees have a high organizational commitment regardless of their age, sex, length of service, and job level. This result indicated that employees are more committed to their job. Also, the commitment of employees shows that the company is aligned with their career goals which improve organizational performance. Furthermore, it was found in the study that work engagement has a significant relationship with organizational commitment. Employees' overall work engagement is correlated with their organizational commitment. Work engagement and organizational commitment were found to be inextricably linked.


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